Simple Meditation Practice

Meditation is one of the tools that allow us to heal so we can begin to make the changes we yearn for. Through the practice of quieting the mind and connecting with our soulful self, we can invite and cultivate the peaceful, happy feeling we want to experience. So,...

Mind Dominated vs. Heart Centered

In today’s meditation class at Terra Sky, I talked about shifting the balance from a lower mind dominated life to a heart centered life. I used the analogy of a wild horse. The horse is our lower mind and it’s used to being wild and having free reign of where it will...

Evoking the Rebel – part 1

The momentum of our lower thought dominated lives has tremendous strength, and it drags us along wherever it wants to go. When we have a reactive mind dominated life, we (the authentic essence of our spiritual self) are not taking charge of how we experience our...

Evoking the Rebel – part 2

Part 2 – Evoking the Rebel Now that you have realized the power of your thoughts over your feeling state, it’s time to begin to track where these thoughts and beliefs are coming from. We are all born into a story. We come into this world and are placed in a role in...

Making Sense of the Senseless

Last Sunday I went to the Center for Spiritual Living, and Reverend Frankie was talking about the Boston bombing. I've read so many articles about the two brothers who were responsible for the bomb and the people who were killed. I've read inspirational quotes about...

Design your Life

"To a sailor without a destination, no wind is favorable" Unknown author 'I'll just wait and see what happens' have you ever said that? Do you know what I find when I say that? Nothing. Nothing happens. Or worse, more of what has always been happening. We say this...

What we focus on, Grows!

As we begin this New Year, let’s focus on something wonderful that we'd love to 'grow' in our lives. Where ever you are focusing your attention this day is what will expand in your life. If I’m focusing on my fear or lack or anxiety, I can expect the feeling of that...

Open Your Heart, Enjoy Your Life.

Our relationships will always mirror back how we feel about ourselves. If your relationships are not all you want them  to be, notice how you treat yourself, what conversations do ‘you’ and ‘you’ engage in? How do you give love and tenderness to yourself?  How do you...

What’s Frozen in your life?

My husband and I took my 9 year old daughter to see the movie Frozen last week.  I loved all the messages of authenticity and personal power in this story. If you haven’t seen it, it’s about 2 sisters, princesses, and the elder has special power to make snow and ice....

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